
Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Deep Thinkers, Deep Feelers and How They Communicate

Our bodies are complex mechanisms geared toward interacting with and processing the world around us. Many various stimuli enter our awareness throughout our day, yet how we take in, organize, process and make meaning out of these stimuli differ dramatically.

Today I would like to explore a conceptualization of two (out of many, I imagine) ways that we intake information and share it with those around us, particularly focusing on communication between these two types of processors and where barriers in connection may arise.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Hidden Senses: Vestibular & Proprioceptive Systems

You have heard of the five senses - sight, smell, touch, taste, sound. But have you ever heard of vestibular or proprioceptive senses?

Sometimes dubbed the hidden senses, these two senses get talked about much less frequently yet they are no less important.

In this blog you will learn what these two senses are, what they are responsible for, what issues they may cause if they are not functioning in a predicted fashion and what to do to help yourself navigate the world when these two senses are affected.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

The Dieting Mind or How Your “Clean” Eating May Actually Be a Diet

Diet can be a loaded word. It can elicit a number of emotional responses, from shame and defensiveness to excitement and glee, and everything in between. Some people love them, some hate them, and nearly everyone knows something about them.

Today we will talk about what the dieting mind is, what are some common themes, thought patterns and behaviors that are associated with it, and how we can begin to move toward a more kind and flexible way of thinking about our relationship to our food and our bodies.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Decolonizing Therapy & Re-Membering Healing

As a therapist I continuously think about healing. What does it mean to heal? What is required for healing? Where can healing be found?

As I sit with this question year in and year out, my idea of healing as a practice expands, getting richer with details and more rooted in my own deeply held values as a human oriented toward collective liberation and anti-oppressive practices.

Today I would like to share with you some of the values I hold as a human and as a therapist, and elucidate why I believe these values need to be a part of the overall practice of therapy.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Identity-First vs. Person-First Language and the Case for Inclusivity

When it comes to describing identity many people use language with the goal of being polite rather that with the goal of being inclusive.

How many of us follow language trends simply because we heard others’ rules about what is proper and what is rude, without ever examining why or what alternatives exist? How do we move from our desire to be “nice” toward being advocates for better language, better access and even a better world?

In this blog we will dive further into the two types of language used when it comes to identity, discuss why it matters and make a case for choosing one over the other.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

7 Types of Rest We Need

How many times have you found yourself sitting down on the sofa only to be immediately going through your mental to-do list and deciding you’ll rest later? Or looking at your accumulated paid time off (if you are privileged enough to have it) and thinking, “I don’t have anywhere I want to go, I don’t need to take time off. I’ll just keep working.” What about pushing past your body’s signals for rest as you are coming down with a cold and deciding to “power through it” anyway?

These types of responses may signal that you have been conditioned to disregard your need for rest in favor of productivity.

So in today’s blog post, let’s look at the different types of rest that humans need and how to begin moving toward restoring your relationship with rest.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Food, Body and What's Trauma Got To Do With It

What does trauma have to do with how we eat or how we talk about food? It turns out - a lot.

Read more to find out where our dominant food narratives originate and how to move toward body trust instead.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Autism, ADHD and Trauma

While it can be tempting to approach autism, ADHD and trauma from the standpoint of what came first, it is important to look at how these conditions overlap and what the prevalence of co-occurrence is.

In this blog, we will look at why autistic and ADHD folks have higher levels of trauma experienced, what the research says and how to heal with this knowledge in mind.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Stimming vs. Fidgeting: What’s the Difference?

As conversations about neurodiversity become more mainstream, so do the characteristics of certain neurotypes. Learning about autism and ADHD may introduce the idea of fidgeting and stimming, yet in many online resources the two are conflated as essentially the same thing.

In reality they are not, and in today’s blog post I will discuss what is fidgeting and stimming, what is the difference between them and why it's important to delineate them as unique.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Neurodiversity: What It Is and Why Does It Matter

Whichever corner of the Internet you frequent, you have likely stumbled upon the term neurodiversity, neurodivergence or neurodivergent and want to learn more about their meaning.

In today’s blog post we will talk about the terminology of neurodiversity and its meaning, both on a collective and on an individual level.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Vlog: What Does Healing Look Like in Therapy?

Every therapist conceptualizes healing differently, based on their training, education and their own, personal experiences and views.

To learn more about how I think of healing in my therapeutic work with clients, check out this vlog.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

3 Ways We Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage has become somewhat of a dirty word. The negative connotation to it is simple: it’s bad and you should avoid it.

But is anything in life so simple?

In this blog post we look at ways we may engage in self-sabotage and how to move toward a different narrative.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

In This Body - Spring 2023 Group Dates Announced

Our bodies are calling us back, whether with a gentle whisper or a more urgent plea.

We invite you to listen, and we will listen alongside you.

Learn more about our online embodiment support/process group and register to secure your spot.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

How Do I Heal?

We all want to know how to heal. So what universal pointers can I provide that can help you on your own journey?

Read more in the blog.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

What Is Dissociation?

Have you ever driven home from work and did not remember the journey? Or perhaps you’ve noticed yourself staring off into space only to see that minutes have gone by without your awareness?

These experiences along with others can describe a process of dissociation. What exactly is dissociation and how does it manifest itself in our daily lives?

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

3 Video Games That Can Be Therapeutic

Which of us hasn’t raced along the various tracks of Mario Kart as kids or held a sword to a fantastical creature as Link in The Legend of Zelda?

Whether you are a fellow video gamer, or just someone considering getting back to holding a joystick, these games below are sure to provide an experience that is not just memorable but therapeutic too.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

Getting Through the Holidays With Family Estrangement

For some the holiday season is a time of year that brings about positive associations. They may remember their childhood Christmas celebrations or look forward to gathering with loved ones to engage in family traditions of celebration.

For others, especially folks who are survivors of cPTSD or childhood trauma, the holidays can be a particularly hard time of the year.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

In This Body Group | January Dates Announced

Do you struggle with body image and shame? Are you tired of the infinite diet and weight-obsessed antics of the world around you and want to choose a different path? One of body acceptance, respect and trust?

Learn more about our group and how to join.

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Yuliya Rae Yuliya Rae

cPTSD: What You Need to Know About Complex Trauma

You may have heard the term cPTSD or complex PTSD but have wondered what it is and how it differs from traditional PTSD.

The truth is that while there are certain overlaps between the two terms and diagnoses, complex PTSD - also referred to as complex trauma - is unique in its presentation, symptomatology and treatment.

Let’s dive in and explore more below.

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Deep green lush forest with a narrow cobblestone pathway leads to a red Japanese style bridge

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