“Who Told You” by Arielle Estoria
For a change of pace from the usual written content, I would love to share one of my favorite creative people with all of you - Arielle Estoria.
She is a poet, author, actor and artist, and this particular piece talks about bodies, embodiment and the magic of the body you are already in.
Embodiment and How to Practice It
What is embodiment and why is it important? How do we practice embodiment in our everyday lives?
Learn how you too can begin to come home to your body.
How to Recognize When You Are Triggered
Triggers are a way our body communicates important information to us about what is and isn’t tolerable. While many people immediately want to know why they are triggered, a more important question to ask in the moment is “What is happening right now?” and get very detailed about the answer.
In this blog post I will talk about how to recognize you are getting triggered using the clues your body and its response may be giving you.
What Is EMDR Therapy?
EMDR has been recently gaining more attention, yet this therapeutic modality is over three decades old. Learn more about what EMDR stands for, what is is helpful in treating, and whether this modality may be the right fit for your therapeutic needs.
In This Body Group | Fall Dates Announced
Welcome to our online embodiment process group that we have named In This Body. Because it is in this body that we exist, in this body we play, move, laugh, cry and dance. In this body, and with this body, we connect to ourselves and to others. And our bodies are calling us back, whether with a gentle whisper or a more urgent plea.
We invite you to listen, and we will listen alongside you.
Why It’s Time To Ditch Your Scale
Our bathrooms contain many items we use on a daily basis, be it our trusty toothbrushes, aromatic soaps, or fluffy cotton balls. Beyond that, many bathrooms also hold another item: a scale.
But is it necessary to own a scale? And if not, what may be some of the reasons for it? In this blog post, I will share with you several reasons why I think it’s time for you to ditch the scale for good, if you haven’t already.
5 Myths About Trauma and Healing
You only need to put the word “trauma” into a Google search to see thousands of articles, resources and guides that tell you about its meaning and how to heal from it. Yet even with this wealth of knowledge out there, few of these resources mention the myths that come with healing from trauma.
It is time to dispel some of these myths about trauma and healing.
What Is Trauma?
Trauma has become a buzzword. So much so that it has entered our daily vocabulary, where it is not uncommon to hear someone exclaim jokingly, “I’m traumatized by that!” But what do we really know about trauma? And most importantly, do we know how to be trauma-informed in our own relationships and connections with others?
Therapy: What It Is and What It Is Not
Many clients come to their very first therapy session saying, “I don’t really know how this works", so today I would like to introduce you to a few basic understandings of what therapy is and also what it is not.
3 Books to Help You on Your Healing Journey
Books are a powerful way of receiving validation that may be hard to gain elsewhere. They may contain new information that explains a certain predicament, inspire us to a new way of thinking or being in the world, or show us areas in us that are still hurting and need a salve.
Today I would like to share three of my favorite books that could be wonderful companions on anyone’s healing journey.
Announcing: In This Body Group Dates
Welcome to our online embodiment process group that we have named In This Body. Because it is in this body that we exist, in this body we play, move, laugh, cry and dance. In this body, and with this body, we connect to ourselves and to others. And our bodies are calling us back, whether with a gentle whisper or a more urgent plea.
We invite you to listen, and we will listen alongside you.
How to Choose a Therapist
The truth is - we are all struggling right now and that is absolutely normal given the circumstances we are in. We are experiencing a collective trauma on many levels, and our bodies and minds are naturally on high alert.
But we do not need to go through all of it alone. To help in that regard, let’s look at the who, how, what and where of finding a therapist.
Body Size is a Social Justice Issue
Weight discrimination has increased by 66% among U.S. adults in the period between 1995 and 2005, yet few of us are talking about it. This post will look at weight stigma through lenses of power, privilege and culture, aiming to shed light on the insidious ways weight stigma wreaks havoc on the lives of fat people and calling us into including body size into our social justice practices.
What Bridgerton Teaches Us About Trauma
How does trauma impact our functioning in the world, as well as our relationships with others? In this post I invite you to learn more about trauma and our responses to it by using a few Bridgerton characters as examples.
When You Are Grieving
Grief is a journey with no real destination. It is also a place we do not know until we find ourselves in it, dazed, confused, angry and sad. How do we grieve in ways that move the grief through us?
3 Grounding Practices to Use Between Therapy Sessions
We all get activated sometimes. What happens to our nervous system when we do and how do we move through it with gentleness?
6 Tips for Better Communication
Relationships is a place where we can be seen with all our complexity. Relationships can also leave us yearning for more, be it for a lack of connection or intimacy.
So how do we cultivate the type of relationships that truly nourish us and support our growth and development as human beings?