This is a living, breathing hub of therapeutic resources that can help you on your healing journey. Check back often for updates and share these with the people you love. Let’s help each other be more present, connected and grounded.

Grounding & Emotional Regulation
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping
EFT or tapping is a grounding technique to help with emotional and physical distress. It is a great tool to have in your pocket for when you are feeling very overwhelmed or anxious. Try it out and see how it works for you!
Grounding Practices
Click on the image on the right to see my blog post that contains three grounding practices you can use to help regulate your nervous system during times of activation. These practices are:
Box breathing
5-4-3-2-1 technique
Butterfly hug
Audio Mindfulness Practice
Here is a 10ish minute mindfulness practice I recorded for my clients and myself to come back to when we are feeling overwhelmed, lost or just in need of a quiet moment to ourselves.
Click on the image on the left to download the audio file for yourself.
“You Feel Like Shit” Website
Many times it is difficult for us, when in places of overstimulation or dysregulation, to name what is happening or what may feel wrong.
This handy tool asks you yes or no questions to check in about your body state and suggest ways you can help yourself feel more present. Asking questions around eating, drinking, movement, etc.
Check this out and save it somewhere you can access when you feel like shit.
Light Stream Technique
Originally developed by Francis Shapiro - founder of the EMDR therapy approach - this technique utilizes light and color to help you regulate your body and mind. For an example of how to do this technique, watch the video to the left to experience it.
Free Downloads from Abby Van Muijen
This awesome artist has a number of both free and for-fee resources you can download to help you identify your feeling states, how your body is doing in the moment and what you may be needing based on this information.
Check it out and save for future reference when you are needing to tune into your emotions.

Sensory Relaxation & Focus
Bilateral Stimulation Music
Bilateral stimulation, which is an essential component of EMDR therapy, at a slow pace has been proven to be calming and relaxing. It alternates audio from left to right ear and by doing so activates both sides of the brain. For this to work you will need to wear wired headphones, as most bluetooth headphones struggle with this kind of audio output.
Please note if you have a history of seizures, this practice may be contraindicated. This is not meant to be medical advice, so make sure to check with your doctor for specifics.
Brown Noise
You’ve heard of white noise, but have you heard of brown noise? Noise actually has color: pink, brown, white. Brown noise has a lower frequency of sound that is very calming for most folks. Try this out for focused activities, or for sleep. For folks with ADHD and other forms of neurodivergence, brown noise can be a helpful tool for quieting the mind.
Noise Reduction Earplugs
For those with noise sensitivity, or folks who may need some additional help with focus, reducing noise levels around them, or to help regulate after sensory overwhelm, these earplugs have been highly recommended by my colleagues and I have a pair for myself that I find very helpful.
Click on the image to head to Loop’s website.
How To Create a Sensory-Friendly Space
While this article may have been written with children in mind, the principles apply equally to adults. Read on to learn more about how to create spaces in your home to accommodate for sensory overwhelm that is common in autistic and ADHD folks.

Yoga Nidra For Sleep
If you suffer from insomnia, or having trouble falling asleep due to anxiety or rumination, give yoga nidra a try. I also recommend clients get sleep headphones to minimize sensory distraction and to facilitate better falling asleep experience.
Cognitive Shuffle Technique
Unlike counting sheep - which gets repetitive and boring for the brain too quickly - cognitive shuffling scrambles the brain to tire it out. The technique is simple and easy to remember. For an example of how to do this, watch the video on the left.